The 23-58-18 Dilemma

Unlocking Employee Engagement

The corporate environment is vibrant with activity.

Employee engagement transcends mere terminology;

It serves as the cornerstone of organizational prosperity.

While some individuals express contentment,

Others harbor discontent.

Some maintain a reserved demeanor,

While others vocalize their opinions openly.

Departures occur for a variety of reasons,

Ranging from personal motivations to dissatisfaction with leadership.

Yet amidst these dynamics,

A notable phenomenon known as the 23-58-18 principle emerges,

Let us explore how it shapes workplaces:

🌟 The Engaged Few (23%):

These are the stars

The passionate and committed souls who infuse energy into every project.

They’re the ones who arrive early, stay late, and genuinely care.

You must nurture them!

Their enthusiasm is contagious.

🤫 The Quiet Quitters (58%):

Ah, the silent majority.

They clock in, do their tasks, but their hearts?

Somewhere else.

They’re not actively disengaged, but they’re not dancing on desks either.


Perhaps it’s mundane routines, lack of recognition, or stifled growth.

Listen to their whispers—they hold untapped potential.

🔊 The Loud Quitters (18%):

These rebels wave red flags.

They’re disenchanted, frustrated, and ready to storm out.

  • Toxic work environments,

  • Unmet expectations, or

  • Poor leadership—these are their battle cries.

Their exit impacts morale and productivity.


Address their concerns before the door slams shut.

🚀 Now Your Role as a Leader:

Engaging employees isn’t a one-size-fits-all game.

It’s about personalized recognition, growth opportunities, and fostering a sense of purpose.

Ditch the outdated KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) - It is redundant!

Embrace holistic metrics like

  • Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS),

  • Pulse surveys, and

  • 360-degree feedback.

Remember, engaged teams drive innovation, customer satisfaction, and bottom-line results.

👥 Your Move:

As a leader, you’re the conductor of this engagement symphony.

Tune in, amplify the 23%, empower the 58%, and rescue the 18%.

Let me know if you would like to amplify/empower/rescue - Most importantly identify the red flags!

Have a happy Friday!



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